Sunday, August 15, 2010

Wedding Adventures!

This weekend was one of craziness with my older sister Aimee getting married to her sweetheart of the past seven years. It was hectic and intense and there were moments when I wanted to scream from frustration and moments when my heart swelled with so much joy, I thought it would burst into a cloud of glitterdust.

Friday, the whole family gathered together for the rehearsal and the following dinner at the bowling alley. The rehearsal went smoothly, but tensions were running very high at the bowling alley, with my mother feeling out of place and upset and frustrated and angry. Her emotions were very negative and volatile, but my sister Danielle and I tried to be compassionate, trying to understand where she was coming from. After a few hours, though, my nerves couldn't take it anymore, and the entire family was feeling a bit frayed around the edges.

Things loosened up some once we got a bowling game started for the sake of my young niece and nephew. They shrieked with laughter and slipped over the lane and threw the balls against the gutters and did silly dances when they knocked over pins. Their joy was infectious, and soon they also drew me, my sister Danielle (their mother) and Angelboy into a game, and even my mother was smiling at the end of it.

Saturday was the wedding. We were awake at six am to head to breakfast before going to the salon to start getting out hair done. Angelboy was amazing, driving me, Danielle, and my niece Skylar around everywhere. All of the hair stylists were amazed, he just smiled and watched me get my hair done and read a book, and didn't complain when one hour turned to two and a half. I was glad my stylist did a good job with my updo - since my hair goes down to my hips, it took a while to do, but it rocked.

Then Angelboy drove us to the Catholic church where we girls climbed into our dresses. He turned into a tailor when I needed him too, pinning my dress up (it was two inches too long, even with my four inch heels! Darn being so short!), taking pictures of Skylar all dressed up as a flower girl, running to the car in the rain to get makeup. That boy is truly one of a kind.

The wedding was absolutely beautiful. The church was a stunning cathedral with paintings all over the ceilings, elaborate altars, candles, incense. The ceremony itself was rather short, and my sister Aimee stole all hearts. She looked simply... exquisite. The picture of perfection, her shimmery eyes visible beneath the delicate veil that obscured her gaze like gossamer, her white gown, the sparkles at her throat. The joy on her face and the face of her new husband, Ryan, as they joined together... It was truly beautiful and I wish them nothing but the best of luck and all of the happiness in the world.

There were two hours of pictures taken afterwards, sweating in the hothotsun, so by the time we made it to the reception, we were in bad need of flipflops, drinks, and air-conditioning. It was good to dance, spinning around with my Angelboy on the dancefloor, little kids stopping me to ask if they could touch the sharp spikes of my collars, watching my seven year old nephew Ethan catch the garter, his giggle and grin of pride when he showed it off.

It was a fabulous weekend, truly told. Exhausting in every way, but fabulous nonetheless. I feel much more... balanced. Truly appreciative of all the wonderful people in my life and grateful for the many blessings that the Goddess has given me.

I feel like I have found the magick and joy in life again, a jolt that I was needing desperately.

All is well in this Starchild's world. :)

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