I feel in the state of constant evolution, and after so many month of stagnation, I can't express the joy that this is bringing to my heart. Pushing my boundaries, searching for the positivity and realizing all that I have to appreciate. Filling the moments I have with the activities that bring me joy, taking the time to close my eyes and feel the energy of the world coursing through my veins, feeling the same energy flowing through the air around me. It's a wonderful feeling.
My mornings have been filled with yoga, and I am amazed at how balanced this has made my body. Combined with the fact that for the last week, I have been indulging in a mostly raw diet (lots of veggies, salads, fruit smoothies)... Physically, I feel better than I have in a long time. So much energy, not lathargic, feeling mentally awake.
Emotionally, I feel like I am glowing again. I am looking in the mirror and seeing my sparkle begin to emerge once more. I thought that I had lost my magic, but after internet conversations with some dear amazing friends... I feel my magic returning. I feel confident again for the first time... in a long time. I feel like a Starchild again.
Also, I rediscovered my hula hoop. I haven't picked it up in months, and with all of this new energy, I have found my inspiration again. I forgot how amazing it feels, the circle of energy that forms with each spin, the way the plastic and tape grip my skin, learning new tricks, delighting in the tricks that my body has not forgotten yet.
Winter is here and I am excited. This is a period of growth, of inspiration, of self-discovery. This is going to be the winter that I always wanted. I can't wait. I am so thankful for my life right now. :)